Visual discrimination practice for the letter D. Students identify capital/uppercase letters and lowercase letters by coloring the specified colors. Then they can count how many of each they found. Free printable pages for other letters of the alphabet are also available. Download this free worksheet below: Letter Detective Capital & Lowercase Visual Discrimination free printable

Letter C: Letter Detective Uppercase & Lowercase Visual Discrimination
Visual discrimination practice for the letter C. Students identify capital/uppercase letters and lowercase letters by coloring the specified colors. Then they can count how many of each they found. Free printable pages for other letters of the alphabet are also available. Download this free worksheet below: Letter Detective Capital & Lowercase Visual Discrimination free printable

Letter B: Letter Detective Uppercase & Lowercase Visual Discrimination
Visual discrimination practice for the letter B. Students identify capital/uppercase letters and lowercase letters by coloring the specified colors. Then they can count how many of each they found. Free printable pages for other letters of the alphabet are also available. Download this free worksheet below: Letter Detective Capital & Lowercase Visual Discrimination free printable

Letter A: Letter Detective Uppercase & Lowercase Visual Discrimination
Visual discrimination practice for the letter A. Identify uppercase (or capital) letters and lowercase letters by coloring the specified colors. Students also can count how many of each they found. Free printable pages for other letters of the alphabet are also available. Download this free worksheet below: Letter Detective Capital & Lowercase Visual Discrimination free printable