A printable blackline of the front and back of a quarter.
George Washington Quarter Printable
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More Printables:
- Abraham Lincoln & George Washington Presidents Venn Diagram Pin695FacebookTweet A Venn diagram for facts about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. You can download the PDF here: Pin695FacebookTweet...
- George Washington 3 Corner Hat Printable Pattern Pin449FacebookTweet Create a three corner hat with this printable pattern for hat and decorative stars. Teaching Idea: Sing the song My Hat, It Has Three Corners:...
- Presidents’ Day Mobile Printables for Abraham Lincoln & George Washington Pin1.7kFacebookTweet Printable pages for creating a mobile featuring presidents Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. Great for Presidents’ Day or studies involving the presidents. You can...
- George – Name Printables for Handwriting Practice PinFacebookTweet George This is part of a series of printable, personalized pages for practicing handwriting. The first offering is printable books with several printable pages. Use...
- True or False Presidential Facts Printable Cards – Clip a Clothespin on the Correct Answer Pin52FacebookTweet Students must decide whether facts about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are true or false. Students select their answer by clipping a clothespin on...
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