You can laminate this playdough mat or slip it into a plastic page protector to switch out as often as you want.
Print in Color or Black & White:
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Banana Fun Facts Printable Booklet
Monkey Number Mats 1 to 10 with Banana Counters
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Back to School Printables and Worksheets
More Printables:
- Banana Fun Facts Printable Booklet Pin10FacebookTweet Instructions: Print and clip pages. Secure with a staple or brad. Includes these facts: (You can use some or all pages.) Bananas are a...
- St. Patrick’s Day Playdough Mat Pin45FacebookTweet Print mat onto cardstock and laminate. Students can practice their fine motor skills to form the images on the mat: rainbow, shamrock, and square....
- Banana Color by Number Printable Worksheet Pin31FacebookTweet Color the worksheet using the code to find the missing fruit… a banana! This is a simple color by number printable worksheet. Banana Color...
- Banana Uppercase Alphabet Pin21FacebookTweet Print banana cards onto cardstock and laminate for durability, if desired. Use alone for alphabet recognition, or combine with banana lowercase alphabet set to...
- Monkey Number Mats 1 to 10 with Banana Counters Pin99FacebookTweet Directions: Print the monkey mats and counters onto cardstock and laminate for durability. The center sign will guide the children in this fun activity....
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