Alphabet Books This is part of the Learning About the Alphabet Pack with 114 printable alphabet pages in all. All the resources consistently use the same illustration and word for each letter of the alphabet. All letters, from A to Z, are covered. Small Alphabet Book (half page size) Large Alphabet Book (full page size) […]

The Mitten Multilevel KinderReaders Printable Book
This multilevel KinderReaders book is part of a year-long series of multi-level books for emergent readers. This kit includes 4 reading levels plus a wordless version of the story so that your whole class can read the same book, but still be on their own level. Supplemental resources include sequencing cards, guided reading lesson plans, […]

I See Hanukkah Printable Book
This book is part of our Christmas Theme Unit at Little Giraffes. The pages of this printable book are designed to be copied back to back and stacked on top of each other. I See Hanukkah Printable Book

I Can See Christmas Printable Book
This book is part of our Christmas Theme Unit at Little Giraffes. The pages of this printable book are designed to be copied back to back and stacked on top of each other. I Can See Christmas Printable Book

Here Is Santa Printable Book
This book is part of our Christmas Theme Unit at Little Giraffes. The pages of this printable book are designed to be copied back to back and stacked on top of each other. Here Is Santa Printable Book

Christmas Lights Printable Book
This book is part of our Christmas Theme Unit at Little Giraffes. The pages of this printable book are designed to be copied back to back and stacked on top of each other. Christmas Lights Printable Book

Brown Reindeer Printable Book
This book is part of our Christmas Theme Unit at Little Giraffes. The pages of this printable book are designed to be copied back to back and stacked on top of each other. Brown Reindeer, Brown Reindeer, What Do You See? Printable Book

Rudolph! Rudolph! Printable Book
In this book, Rudolph has a different colored nose on each page. You can see ideas for using it at the Little Giraffes Christmas Activities page. Rudolph! Rudolph! Printable Book

If You Meet a Turkey Printable Book
This book is a fun adaption of If You Meet a Dragon by Joy Cowley. This printable was made to go with Little Giraffes Thanksgiving Literacy Ideas. This book is being provided in different formats to meet your needs in both black and white and color. You can print a larger sized class book and mount a […]

Spiders Printable Counting Book
This book can be illustrated by the student so the number of spiders on the page matches the text. Use spider rubber stamps, spider stickers, or hand-drawn spiders to complete the book. Spiders Counting Book

Printable Mother’s Day Coupon Book
This printable coupon book for kids to give to Mom on Mother’s Day includes cleaning house, washing the dishes, unlimited hugs, blank coupons to be filled in, etc. Printable Mother’s Day Coupon Book (3 pages)

My Family and Me Book Activity
My Family and Me (9 pages) Make a book with each of these sentences at the bottom of each page. Make a large square in the middle of each page for the students to make a picture of that sentence as to how it applies to their family… Title of each page: Page 1: This […]

St. Patrick’s Day Number Flip Book
Printable flip book with the numbers 1 to 10. Count the shamrocks on each page. Shamrock Flip Book

Printable Book About the Planets: The Solar System
This is a printable 9-page book about the sun and planets. A simple fact is included for each page. The Solar System Printable Book About the Planets

My Book of Space Words Printable Book
Here is a simple mini-book you can use along with a space unit. It includes words and pictures for Earth, Moon, Sun, galaxy, star, and telescope. My Book of Space Words More Space Printables: The Solar System: Printable book about the sun and 8 planets.

I Know About Stars Printable Book
Here is a simple printable book for students to color, fill in the blanks, and read. I Know About Stars Printable Book

Scarecrow Counting Books
My Scarecrow Book ‘My Scarecrow Book’ has pages for drawing pumpkins from 1 to 10. Scarecrow Counting Book This book has pumpkins pictured and a space for student to fill in the number of pumpkins on each page. 1 to 10. Scarecrow Fill in the Missing Number Book Each page has three scarecrows and a […]

My Pumpkin Counting Book
This book starts with, “How many pumpkins do you see? Can you count them out loud for me?” The following pages have pictures of pumpkins for the child to count. You can download the PDF here: Pumpkin Counting Book More Pumpkin Downloads @ A to Z’s Shop

Apple Faces & Feelings Printable Book
Here is a book created by Lanie, a member at A to Z’s discussion forums. Students can draw faces on the apples to show feelings described in the text. You can download it here: Apple Faces Printable Book

Banana Fun Facts Printable Booklet
Instructions: Print and clip pages. Secure with a staple or brad. Includes these facts: (You can use some or all pages.) Bananas are a yellow fruit. Bananas grow in clusters called a hand. An average person eats 27 pounds of bananas each year. There are more than 400 types of bananas. Bananas are the fourth […]