These tracing cards can be print and laminated for reuse in learning centers. They can also be used as practice pages.
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Second Grade Dolch Sight Words Tracing Flashcards
Frog Number and Letter Tracing
Squirrel and Acorn Tracing or Cutting Practice
Bunny Counters
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More Printables:
- Bunny & Carrot Number Matching Pin172FacebookTweet Each bunny is numbered from 1 to 10. Match the bunny to the card with the matching number of carrots. Blank cards are also...
- Bunny Alphabet Tracing for Uppercase & Lowercase Letters Pin389FacebookTweet Here are some Easter or spring-themed tracing cards for practicing the alphabet. You can laminate these and use them again and again in centers....
- Pumpkin Number Tracing 1-25 Pin3.6kFacebookTweet You can assemble these pumpkins into a ring book for tracing. You could also leave them on sheets for students to practice tracing. Laminate...
- Frog Number and Letter Tracing Pin23kFacebookTweet Students can practice tracing numbers and letters using these frog-themed handwriting strips. Make into strip books or laminate and put into centers for using...
- Turkey Number Tracing Pin14FacebookTweet Turkey tracing numbers 1 to 10. You can download the PDFs here or view the preview below: Turkey Number Tracing Pin14FacebookTweet...
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