Spiders Printable Pages and Worksheets

 Spider – Leveled, Printable Book – FREE
*This title includes 5 versions: 4 Reading Levels, Plus a Wordless Version* Great for guided reading, and designed to fit into your thematic units.
(From the A to Z Teacher Stuff Store – Download Now!)

Resources @ A to Z

Itsy Bitsy Spider Printable (PDF file)
Printable poem – Itsy Bitsy Spider

Printable Spider Facts w/ Photos (PDF file) 

Printable fact sheets with full color photos. Includes Black Widow, Yellow Garden Spider, Brown Recluse, Wolf Spider.
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5

Spider Tongue Twisters – Modern (PDF file) 

Two spider tongue twisters on handwriting paper – modern manuscript.
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2

Spider Tongue Twisters – Traditional (PDF file) 

Two spider tongue twisters on handwriting paper – traditional manuscript.
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2

Spiders Facts for Reading (PDF file)
Simple sentences about spiders that can be used for guided reading or copied to a transparency and used for Guess the Covered Word.
Grade Level(s): K , 1-2

Spiders Printable Counting Book (PDF file)
This book can be illustrated by the student so the number of spiders on the page matches the text. Use spider rubber stamps, spider stickers, or hand-drawn spiders to complete the book.
Grade Level(s): Preschool, K, 1-2

Resources @ Other Sites

Spider theme unit with printables, report pages, puzzles and more. abcteach.com
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5