Alphabet Books
This is part of the Learning About the Alphabet Pack with 114 printable alphabet pages in all. All the resources consistently use the same illustration and word for each letter of the alphabet. All letters, from A to Z, are covered.
Print and reproduce for students to use at home or school. The larger version of the alphabet book with full-sized pages is included for use as a teacher’s example, or for individual students.
How to assemble the small book: The pages appear to be out of order, but they are set up so that you can make double-sided photocopies. To assemble, just cut along the line on each page, order the pages, and staple. You can, however, photocopy the pages onto separate pieces of paper, if you prefer.
Other resources that go with these alphabet books:
There seems to be an issue with opening the PDF for the small alphabet book (the half page). I would love to use these in my classroom, but do not want to print a full page. Any way this can be fixed? Thanks in advance!
I fixed the link. Thank you for letting me know!