Sheep Rhyme Printable: You will also need to make a strip with beginning sounds like sh, b, k, d, w, j, st, sl. A 14” length is minimum. Some of the listed sounds listed may not fit on that length. Make sure you leave space at the start of the strip and extra room at […]

Gingerbread Man Poem Printable
This poem is featured on Little Giraffes as part of the Gingerbread Unit. Here is a printable version you can use for a poetry folder, learning center, guided reading lessons, etc. Printable Gingerbread Poem A-B-CDE The Gingerbread Man is running from me. F-G-HIJ The Gingerbread Man is running away. K-L-MNO I said stop. He said […]

Itsy Bitsy Spider Printable Poem
Printable page for the traditional poem, Itsy Bitsy Spider: The itsy bitsy spider Went up the water spout. Down came the rain And washed the spider out. Out came the sun And dried out all the rain. And the itsy bitsy spider Went up the spout again. Download the PDF here: Itsy Bitsy Spider Printable […]

Old MacDonald Had a Farm Printable Activities
Old MacDonald Resource Kit (23 pages) Includes individual size sheet with words to Old MacDonald along with cut-apart sheets. You could laminate these pieces to use in a center or use as a cut-and-paste activity. Also includes strips that can be put together into a pocket chart or mounted on posterboard. Animal cards and animal […]

Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme Printable Activities
Be sure to enter the Nursery Rhymes to Go GIVEAWAY, too! (Ends May 6 at 11 pm CT.) The strips can be used for a pocket chart, cut apart into word cards, mounted onto a posterboard or chart, used in a poetry center to re-build the nursery rhyme, etc. Use the Humpty Dumpty page for […]

Shoo Fly, Don’t Bother Me Printable Nursery Rhyme Resource Kit
Here’s a printable resource kit for the traditional rhyme, “Shoo Fly, Don’t Bother Me!” It includes: printable sheet with the words to the rhyme (use for reading groups, poetry folder, school-to-home activities, etc.) printable strips for a pocket chart, poster or chart Download Shoo Fly Resource Kit {freebie} Shoo Fly Videos Shoo Fly, Don’t Bother […]

Frog Clothespin Game – Match the Rhymes
Match the word on the frog with the correct rhyming word. Frog Match the Rhyme Clothespin Game

Native American Rhymes Printable Resources
Native American Rhymes: Native American Alphabet This ebook includes rhymes about Native American groups for each letter of the alphabet. Each rhyme has simple facts about the group. Native American Rhymes: Native American Homes 16 pages. Homes include Teepe, Plank house, Longhouse, Pueblo, Grass house, Pit house, Chickee, Wattle and daub, Wigwam, Igloo, Hogan Native […]

Teeth Printables for Let’s Talk Teeth Unit
Printable Pages for Let’s Talk Teeth Dental Health Unit: This unit includes both primary and intermediate activities for a dental health/teeth study. Types of Teeth – diagram shows the different types of teeth: incisors, canines, molars Tooth Book – Make a little book about teeth. The Tooth Fairy Came Last Night Poem – Read the poem and fill in the […]