Match the number on the squirrel cards to the number of acorns. Printable Squirrel and Acorn Matching Game
About Amanda (Post) Pertl
I started A to Z Teacher Stuff in 1997 when I was getting ready for student teaching. I graduated with a B.S. in Elementary Education with an emphasis in Early Childhood. I went on to teach preschool, kindergarten, and first grade and earned my Master's degree in Education as well. Now I'm a teacher-mom to three children.
Printable Squirrel Sight Word Cards
Printable sight word cards for a fall or autumn theme with cute squirrels and acorns. You can use these cards for sorting or matching, as flashcards, or put them on rings for children to take home and practice. These are just a few possibilities! Squirrel Sight Words – Pre-primer Squirrel Sight Words – Primer Squirrel […]

Tree Fingerprint Art Pattern
Print tree pattern onto construction paper or cardstock. Fill in the tree with fingerprint leaves in green, yellow, orange, and brown ink. Tree Fingerprint Art Pattern

Old MacDonald Had a Farm Printable Activities
Old MacDonald Resource Kit (23 pages) Includes individual size sheet with words to Old MacDonald along with cut-apart sheets. You could laminate these pieces to use in a center or use as a cut-and-paste activity. Also includes strips that can be put together into a pocket chart or mounted on posterboard. Animal cards and animal […]

Spanish Colors and Numbers Printables
Spanish Colors ~ Colores (3 pages) Includes the following colors: rojo, anaranjado, amarillo, verde, azul, morado, rosa, blanco, negro, gris, marrón and café. Number Word Wall Cards (4 pages) Includes vocabulary cards for your pocket chart or word wall, learning centers, etc. Numbers 0 to 10, plus 100. Spanish Number cards (3 pages) Includes cards for 0 to […]

Cinco de Mayo / Mexico Vocabulary Cards
You can use these Mexico / cinco de mayo vocabulary cards for your word wall or pocket chart. Includes the following vocabulary words: sombrero, maracas, cactus, chili pepper, lime, Mexican flag, Mexico, chihuahua, paper flowers, rebozo, serapi, mariachi band, taco, fiesta, and piñata Mexico or Cinco de mayo vocabulary word wall cards (5 pages)

Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme Printable Activities
Be sure to enter the Nursery Rhymes to Go GIVEAWAY, too! (Ends May 6 at 11 pm CT.) The strips can be used for a pocket chart, cut apart into word cards, mounted onto a posterboard or chart, used in a poetry center to re-build the nursery rhyme, etc. Use the Humpty Dumpty page for […]

Shoo Fly, Don’t Bother Me Printable Nursery Rhyme Resource Kit
Here’s a printable resource kit for the traditional rhyme, “Shoo Fly, Don’t Bother Me!” It includes: printable sheet with the words to the rhyme (use for reading groups, poetry folder, school-to-home activities, etc.) printable strips for a pocket chart, poster or chart Download Shoo Fly Resource Kit {freebie} Shoo Fly Videos Shoo Fly, Don’t Bother […]

Printable Keepsake Handprint Poem
“When I Was Very Small” – Poem is provided in kid-style font… just add the handprint! — Great for gift giving: Grandparents, Moms and Dads, Aunts and Uncles, ETC! Printable Handprint Poem

Printable Mother’s Day Coupon Book
This printable coupon book for kids to give to Mom on Mother’s Day includes cleaning house, washing the dishes, unlimited hugs, blank coupons to be filled in, etc. Printable Mother’s Day Coupon Book (3 pages)

Planet Earth Printable Outlines and Shape Book Writing Pages
Printable pages for Earth Day or the planet Earth. Use as coloring page or for a shape book writing activity. Printable Earth Coloring Page or Shape Book Cover Printable Blank Page for Earth Shape Book Printable Handwriting Lines for Earth Shape Book Printable Lined Page for Earth Shape Book Printables @ A to Z’s Store […]

My Family and Me Book Activity
My Family and Me (9 pages) Make a book with each of these sentences at the bottom of each page. Make a large square in the middle of each page for the students to make a picture of that sentence as to how it applies to their family… Title of each page: Page 1: This […]

St. Patrick’s Day Printables
Here is the master index of all St. Patrick’s Day printable pages: rainbow printables, shamrock printables, leprechaun printables, games, worksheets, learning center activities, and more. Instant Downloads @ A to Z’s Store Luck of the Irish St. Patrick’s Day Glyph by Glyph Girls The Leprechaun At School Multi-Leveled Reader by KinderReaders Lucky Leprechaun and the Incredible Shrinking […]

St. Patrick’s Day Printable Word Puzzles
Here are some printable St. Patrick’s Day word puzzles for you to use with your students. Simple printable St. Patrick’s Day crossword puzzle for young children Printable word search puzzle with St. Patrick’s Day words

Printable Book About the Planets: The Solar System
This is a printable 9-page book about the sun and planets. A simple fact is included for each page. The Solar System Printable Book About the Planets

30 Days Hath September Printable Poem
Here’s a printable poem you can use for Leap Day or to remember the number of days in each month. 30 Days Hath September

Favorite Dr. Seuss Book Graphing Printables
Printable pages for creating graphs about books by Dr. Seuss. The header question is, “What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book?” Cut the strips apart then tape them together. You will need to overlap the middle strip with the other two. Teaching Ideas: Print and laminate the pieces to reuse year after year. Use book cards […]

Green Eggs Math Mats for Counting, Addition, Subtraction
This free printable can be used as an activity or learning center to go along with reading Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. It includes a math mat featuring a plate, and a set of green egg counters and yellow egg counters. You can also download a black & white version, if you prefer. […]

Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham Graphing Printable
Printable pages for the Dr. Seuss book, Green Eggs and Ham. There is a pre-made question, “Do you like green eggs and ham?” Choose from either color or black & white. The header for your graph can be made by cutting apart the three strips, overlapping, and taping together. You may have to trim the […]

Printable Feet Template Pattern
This printable foot pattern can be used for all kinds of feet activities. Make a book, a number line, patterns, or use with books like Dr. Seuss’s The Foot Book or How Big Is A Foot? Printable Feet Patterns